Monday, July 28, 2014

Back back back to schooooool

I cannot BELIEVE that school is right around the corner. As a teacher, I am so excited to incorporate oils into my classroom and my school year this year! I have some loooong days in my very near future. I teach middle schoolers during the school day and then coach Varsity cheerleading every day after school. I will be honest and say that sometimes I find myself reaching for a 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) cup of coffee to get through the day! I also know that I am exposed to SO many germs throughout the year- ESPECIALLY when school starts and everyone is re-exposed to all the people and germs they may not have been around all summer. Yuck I know. It literally gives me the chill bumps to think about =/

Sooo- here are some of the oils that I will be using in my classroom and throughout my school year this year:

First and foremost THIEVES, THIEVES, THIEVES!!!

Thieves was named after four thieves in France who covered themselves with Clove, Rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims back in the day- like 15th century =) It is HIGHLY effective in supporting the immune system and good health. It is also made up of lemon, cinnamon, and eucalyptus radiata essential oils. It's anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-septic. It kills 99% of airborne bacteria in about 12 minutes in the diffuser! They have Thieves oil, hand soap, household cleaner, hand sanitizer, spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. It's UHH.MAY.ZING. These are the SOLE products that are responsible for keeping me 100% well for the last year!!!

The next most important thing I will be using is:

Nitro is the bombbbb. I could go on and on and on. It is amazing for that extra pick me up that is often needed during a long day. It has an all-natural energy blend that is added to the Ningxia Red formula. It contains small amount of natural caffeine coming from the chocolate and green tea extract that is incorporated into the blend. 

I will also be using:

I will use this at night (as I already do) to promote a calm environment during lesson planning or before bed. 

Next up:

I will be using these two oils to promote feelings of confidence and also help to enhance mental clarity and memory. I LOVE Valor and am just getting my hands on Clarity... mwahahaha.

Then I will be using: 

Vetiver is the BOMBBB for focus and attention. LOVE. IT. 

Last in my lineup is:

Lemon is awesome to diffuse in the morning (with peppermint too!) to help wake me up and keep me happy and refreshed. I love adding it or Citrus Fresh to my glass water bottle for a delicious drink throughout the day. 

In preparation for going back to school- the first two people to purchase the Premium Starter Kit from me will receive a ready-to-use spray bottle of Thieves cleaner, a Thieves hand sanitizer, and a Thieves spray!! Contact me via Facebook, Instagram, or email if you want to take part in this awesome deal. 

Until next time, 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Start 'em early

I am a passionate person. The things that I love and believe in I REALLY love and believe in. I say this to say- when I share information and stories about my oils I share them because I love them so much and I believe in what they do. I have seen so many amazing results first hand and if I do not share them with others I feel like I am doing everyone a disservice. When I see others that I have introduced to the oils getting results and having successes and testimonies it makes my heart happy. Truly. I am so thankful for God's plants that have provided us with these wonderful natural... solutions. I was going to type alternatives and I thought about it for a second- they shouldn't be called an alternative! They are THE WAY that God intended for us to medicate and heal. Not through chemical-ridden drugs!

So you can imagine my delight when I looked over at cheerleading practice the other day and saw this sight:

Is that not the best thing you have ever seen?!
One of the girls had brought her oils and they were all over there oiling up ankles, shoulders, necks, etc. after a long 7 hour day. Here they are using Panaway, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Peppermint. It is an awesome combination for bodily aches and pains. They were cracking me up saying we need an oil kit to keep in our cheer closet and to take to practice and games with us. I. LOVE. IT. These are 14-18 year old girls choosing to use oils instead of popping ibuprofen (because they certainly put their bodies through a lot- tumbling, stunting, and jumping  every day will do some damage on your body.. trust me. I am 27 and still dealing with a lot of it!) 
So I just thought I would share- these oils are beneficial for ALL ages. Start 'em early before they get in the habit of popping a pill every time they have an issue.
Until next time,

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Swiss Army Oil

Chances are, if you are an oil user, you can tell me right off the bat which oil is nicknamed the "Swiss Army Knife of Oils". Even if you aren't aware of the nickname you could probably think about which oil you reach for the most often and for the most reasons...

If you are not an oil user then I will let you in on the secret:

Let me list a few ways that I use Young Living's Lavender oil...
1. Allergies. Allergies. Allergies. I have bad allergies. I have been a daily Zrytec user for years. Guess what yall? NOT THIS YEAR. I haven't had to take Zyrtec. At all! I keep lavender oil with me at all times and if I am out and about I will do a quick cheek swipe or rub a small amount around the rim of my nostrils and it clears up the allergies quickly. When we are in the heart of allergy season down here in Alabama, I take the allergy trio capsule with my breakfast and can usually get through the majority of the day. If you have allergies you need to invest in this. Lavender, lemon, and peppermint in a capsule filled the rest of the way up with carrier oil. The bomb.
2. Skin irritations- sunburns, bites, rashes, eczema, etc. I have used it for each one of those issues at some point. I WISH so badly I had before and after pictures from a few particular instances. Ughh I could kick myself. Words will just have to do =/
  •  Sunburn. Random Haley fact... I am a SUNSCREEN FREAK. (Quick backstory- I grew up on the Panhandle of Florida and for the first 20 years of my life was a complete beach bum. Every day of every summer of my driving life until we moved I spent all day at the beach). That being said I can probably count 3 times in my life I have been sunburned. I hate being sunburned. Like... HATE. IT. Well- we went to the beach with my husband's family a couple of weeks ago and I was sooo careful to apply and reapply every day. One afternoon though I fell asleep laying on my stomach and by the time we went in my back was burnt. Really red and streaky burnt. I was so upset! It makes me uncomfortable, makes me itch, makes me hot, etc. That night as we went to bed I asked Pat to rub coconut oil with several drops of lavender all over my back. When we woke up and were getting prepared to go back out to the beach I just kind of assumed I either wouldn't go or would wear a shirt in order to avoid making the burn worse. He asked to see my back, so I showed him and he was like "Ohhhh my gosh Haley it is not ONE BIT RED!" I didn't really believe him of course so I went to the bathroom to try and awkwardly look at my back in the mirror and LO AND BEHOLD- not even a SPECK of red. Let's just say I got to spend another whole day lounging in the sun, sunscreened up, without a care in the world =)
  • Bites. My brother got married a little over a month ago at my grandparents farm in South Alabama. His sweet wife/one of my best friends, Britnee, got stung by a bee (Hornet? Yellow Jacket? Wasp? I don't know! What's the difference?) two days before the ceremony RIGHT ON THE SHOULDER. Definitely would not be cute in a wedding dress. It swelled up immediately and within a few minutes her arm was streaking red all the way down from her shoulder to her elbow. It was bad. She was in a lot of pain. She came in and said "I NEED OILS!" so we got her going quickly with some Lavender and Purification. Within MINUTES- the redness was gone and the swelling had shrunk down to about the size of a nickel. Everyone in my family stood around watching with our jaws on the floor. We watched it disappear before our eyes! One more application and her bite was the size of a pinpoint by the wedding.
  • Eczema. People love this recipe: 3/4 cup organic coconut oil whipped in a mixer for 5-10 minutes (until creamy), 10 drops lavender, 10 drops melrose.
3. Relaxation. I put lavender and Peace and Calming in my diffuser each night as I get ready for bed. It helps me sleep long and peacefully. It is also great mixed in Epsom salt for a nice relaxing bath.  
4. Odor. I made a spray for some of my family members for Christmas using water, Epsom salt, and lavender oil. It is great for spraying on sheets, pillows, in linen drawers/cabinets, etc. I love it and so do they!
Here are a few other ways to use lavender oil:
After visiting Young Living's lavender farms in Mona, Utah this summer I am more in love with this oil than ever. Seeing the whole process- from "seed to seal" was amazing and only deepens my love and trust for this amazing company and the purity that they guarantee.
Guess what? GOOD NEWS! July 20th-22nd Young Living is offering 20% off of their "Swiss Army Oil" in continued celebration of their 20 year anniversary this year (two bottles per member).
FIRST TWO PEOPLE TO CONTACT ME- I will pass this deal on to you! If you are already a member, I highly suggest you take them up on this incredible offer. You won't regret it =)
Until next time,

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Natures best...

One of the best things about being a part of the Young Living community is that everyone else that uses the oils is just as in love with them as you are. So there is like this... constant desire to share successes and loves and recipes and educational tidbits. IT'S AWESOME!

Last night I had the opportunity to go see Craig Aramaki speak in Birmingham. It's a pretty cool story actually- Craig is the former CMO of Young Living who quit his corporate job with them in order to become a full time oil user/distributor! He knows the ins and outs and has seen everything behind the scenes and is head over heels in love with the quality and pureness behind the oils. I LOVE that!

This is Craig. He is precious and hilarious.
Anyway, I say all that to say- he shared a tip last night at the meeting that I had heard in regards to fever but for some reason I hadn't thought about it in terms of overheating from a workout?? I don't know why because I will for SURE be using it after every workout from now on!
Craig reminded us that Peppermint is natures best temperature regulator! Yup, this little bottle of goodness seriously cooled me down IMMENSELY after my extremely tough and HOT workout today.
Ahhhhh =)

If anyone has ever worked out or ran with me- you know that I give it ALL I've got. Like I said, I workout until I am pouring sweat and breathing like the air around me is the only air left in the world. You would also know that my face gets sooo red and hot and I overheat very easily. Often after a hard or hot workout my face will be red and emanating heat for the rest of the day. My body doesn't do well with cooling itself down. So today I decided I would try Craig's tip. When I came in from my workout I got a little dab of coconut oil in my hands, dropped in two drops of peppermint oil, and spread it on the back of my neck and on my wrists. IT WAS UN. BE. LIEV. ABLE. It was so amazing I got an empty roller bottle, filled it about 1/4 of the way up with peppermint oil and the rest of the way up with grapeseed oil and threw it in my purse so I could take it with me for my cheerleaders to try at practice! They are gonna love me. They already do but that's beside the point =) Hallelujahhhh!!! Life is forever changed. Thanks pep.
Peppermint was already one of my favorite oils but it's about to go down in the book. The book of favorite oils. Along with 858398 others. Not only does it help regulate temperatures and draw out fevers- it has about a hundred other incredible uses:

Thank you JESUS for your peppermint plants and the awesome ways that we can use them as a natural treatment for a lot of life's little irritations.
How do YOU use peppermint oil?
Until next time,

Monday, July 14, 2014


I used to be "that girl" in the gym that would slave away on cardio machines for an hour and then maybe grab a dumbbell or two on my way out. Boredom central without many results. I am currently loving High Intensity Interval Training! Any other HIIT lovers out there?

For those of you who are missing out on these fun fat burning workouts here is a little rundown. Basically HIIT workouts are any workouts that alternate between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of rest or less intense activity.

That's me in the first picture and Pat in the second picture. LOL. SIKEEE (any other late 80's babies remember saying "Sike" on a regular basis back in the day?)

Anyway- according to Shape magazine here are some reasons why HIIT workouts are great:

1. They are EFFECIENT. Research shows you can accomplish as much in a 15 minute HIIT workout (done 3 times a week) than you can in an HOUR on a treadmill.

2. They BURN MORE FAT. The effect of the intense exertion make your body repair go into quick time. So basically you burn more in the 24 hours after a HIIT workout than after a long steady paced run.

3. They help you to have a HEALTHIER HEART. A 2006 study showed that after 8 weeks of HIIT workouts, subjects could bike twice as long as they could before while keeping the same pace.

4. You don't need ANY EQUIPMENT. There are plenty of great HIIT workouts that can be done with equipment but its certainly not necessary. You can get just as much accomplished doing high knees, jump squats, jump switch lunges, or anything plyometric really!

5. You can LOSE WEIGHT BUT NOT MUSCLE. A lot of people who eat really clean and healthy and do extreme amounts of cardio lose weight yes but they also lose a good amount of muscle mass. HIIT workouts allow you to eat clean and careful without losing muscle mass.

6. They allow you to AMP UP YOUR METABOLISM. HIIT workouts can stimulate your HGH up to 450% in the 24 hours following. Woohoo! Slow down that aging process baby!

7. You can DO THEM ANYWHERE. You can adapt to whatever constraints you have- time, space, whatever! If you travel a lot for your job... you can still do HIIT. If you live in a tiny apartment... you can still do HIIT. Honestly- it allows you to not make any excuses! NONE!

8. They are CHALLENGING. Challenging to me helps me to feel accomplished. I do not feel good when I leave a workout if I am not dripping sweat, ready to fall over. If I am on an elliptical casually reading a book or magazine, I can promise that I am not about to fall over dripping sweat. You will not die. Just do it.

There are TONS of these workouts available on Pinterest and Youtube if you just type in High Intensity Interval Training. Give it a shot. I promise you will feel like dying but you will be so happy you did it!

Here are a couple of my favorites:

*HIIT The Ground Running Workout  (or any other ones on this channel)

*Tough and Toned Tabata

Gosh there are so many more!! I LOVE THEM!!!

Until next time,


Friday, July 11, 2014

A Day in the Life

Everywhere you look in my house there are Young Living products. Oils are scattered all around my house- the nightstand, my dresser, the kitchen, the bathroom. I mean how much trouble would it be to actually put them in their designated spot?! Lol.

Not only do I use the oils, I am also crazy about YL's skincare products and nutritional supplements, cleaning products, handsoaps, etc.

So here is a typical oily day for me (this was yesterday)

7:30 Wake up. Start diffusing Peppermint and Lemon while I get ready. I like this combination because it wakes me up, invigorates me, and not to mention it smells awesome together.

8:00 Eat breakfast and take my daily Ningxia Red shot. I add Lemon and Copaiba to my shot because I love the way the Lemon makes it taste (plus it kills germs, helps retain information, acts as a detoxing agent, and more) and Copaiba is great for inflammation, stiff joints, muscle aches and pains and more.  And I am always inflamed. So I drink it. And it helps. =)

8:15 Brush my teeth with Thieves Dentarome Ultra and head out the door for cheer practice. I have been using this toothpaste for about the last 6 months and I LOVE it. I can't use regular toothpaste anymore now that I have used this. It leaves your mouth feeling SO clean (because it is because it has Thieves in it) but also has definitely helped naturally whiten my pearlies.

8:30-10:30 Cheer, cheer, cheer. Oil up some of my girls with hurting ankles, shoulders, etc. =) One of my flyers has a major issue with her ankles- they cause her constant pain which leaves her with some stability issues because of the pain. We have her on a regimen now of Idaho Blue Spruce, Panaway, and Peppermint. Here is the picture and text she sent me yesterday before practice:

"Oils...check. Tape...check."
After a killer practice full of tumbling and stunting with minimal pain I texted her mom later that night and told her how great she had done. Her response was "She said she did good stunting and we both said 'THE OILS!'" We continued to talk for awhile and she said "She said her ankle was starting to hurt. She did her oils and came down the hall and said it was already feeling better! It's amazing! It's awesome to hear her say it actually felt better... Haven't heard that in awhile." **Ya'll- stuff like this makes my HEART HAPPY. I love knowing that these things are helping others!**
11:00- 1:00 Lunch with friends. Yes I will bust out my Citrus Fresh at restaurants and put it in my water. People look at my like I am crazy sneaking drops of an unknown liquid into a drink. Wonder why?! LOL
1:30 Make my daily capsule. I don't know why I have been doing it at midday instead of morning lately. I think I like taking them on a full stomach. I have been on a Longevity or Thieves kick lately- sometimes a Longevity and Thieves kick. I already kind of shared my obsession with Thieves in my last post put it's really more than an obsession. It's a deeeep love. Because that blend is the reason I have not been sick my ENTIRE oiling life (a year!). I want to kiss it!
Run errands... yada yada yada. Take care of business... yada yada yada.
5:00 Husband is coming home- gotta get motivated to run and workout with him. Hmmm... NingXia Nitro OBVIOUSLY. I seriously love this stuff. It is a natural energy booster full of essential oils and a small amount of natural caffeine. It is PERFECT for a pre-workout pick me up. Or a morning pick me up. Or a mid-day pick me up... You get my drift =)  Best part about it is it doesn't leave you feeling jittery complete with a racing heart like an energy drink. I can also still go to sleep perfectly fine unlike if I were to drink sodas, coffees, or energy drinks.

8:00 Realize "I am going to be sore tomorrow and my neck and shoulder feel really tight after that workout. Along with my legs. And my abs." Epsom salt bath with Aroma Siez. 1/2 cup Epsom salt, 6 drops oil mixed up in a mixing cup. Run it under the faucet as the warm water fills up your tub so that it evenly distributes.
10:00 Get ready for bed. Que face routine. ART Gentle Foaming Cleanser- this is an awesome age refining cleanser that I use as my daily face wash. Wolfberry Eye Cream. Coconut oil/Frankincense mixture for moisturizer. Cinnamint chapstick.
Oil up for bed- Orthosport massage oil all over neck and upper back and shoulders. Panaway, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Peppermint on neck. Tranquil on bottom of feet. I am glad my husband uses oils and is on board himself or else I may not be allowed to sleep in the bed with him.
11:00 Start running my diffuser. Peace and Calming and Lavender helps me calm down and fall asleep peacefully.

*Products not mentioned that I use everyday: Thieves foaming hand soap, Thieves hand sanitizer when out and about, Dragontime body wash, and probably more.

*Also this is not including constant uses of other oils that I use on a symptom to symptom basis. I also use supplements, homemade bug spray, oils used in laundry, Thieves cleaner when cleaning house, oils on Pat, oils on my dogs, etc.

So just call me the "crazy oil lady" because I am and I love every second of it =)

Until next time,


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin!

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Sure would love it if you did!

My journey to natural wellness

I felt it was appropriate for my first real post (yesterday's didn't count) to kind of tell you guys how I got started on this journey... because that is exactly what it is! A journey to natural wellness.

A few years ago I started having severe pain in my right shoulder. I thought it was something that I could ignore but when it got to the point that I couldn't even lay on my right side anymore or lift my arm above shoulder level, I knew I needed to get it checked out.

I was told that my shoulder bone was sloping and hooked on the end, causing it to fray my rotator cuff like a rope every time I lifted it. I got a few cortisone injections and was still in constant pain. Surgery was my next option. I was not thrilled about it but was in so much pain I would have done anything to fix it.

Soooo December 2012 I had my FIRST shoulder surgery.

(Christmas day wrapped up in my ice sling. 1 Week post op)

It was a pretty simple surgery that included shaving the bone off that was causing the fraying and cleaning up the ropy Rotator Cuff. Recovery was going pretty good the first couple of weeks but about a month in I was realizing that my pain was getting worse and worse even as I rehabbed, etc. I followed my instructions to a T. I iced like they told me, did my exercises exactly as instructed, took the meds they told me to take... Why in the world was I getting worse?? I continued for months thinking surely this is going to turn a corner. My neck and upper back started bothering me from compensation. I couldn't do anything without my neck hurting SO BAD. It started locking up- it was like my muscles started refusing to do what I asked anymore because it was causing them so much stress and pain. I ended up in March back under an MRI machine- my neck had stopped moving. For two weeks. Talk about scared!

(This was what I did 3 X a week at therapy)

Over the next few months I bounced from rheumatologists to neurologists back to orthapedists to internists to YOU NAME IT. Nobody could figure anything out! My MRI's (shoulder, thoracic spine, cervical spine, etc.) and brain scans were all coming back normal. I continued trying therapy at this point for my neck and shoulder.

Sometime during all of those crazy escapades I ended up getting introduced to a wonderful woman named Crystal. Check out her blog, Homestead on the Hill. We talked on the phone for hours. Crystal has been through so much in her journey to health. For the last few years she has used Young Living Essential Oils for herself and her family and has seen some AMAZING results. She is such a spiritual person and I will never forget when she said "I have been praying about what to recommend for you and the Lord is telling me, Aroma Siez". Done. Ordered. I would have rubbed snake oil all over my body at this point if someone told me it might help!

A week or so later this baby arrived:

(Aroma Siez oil is a blend made up of Basil, Cypress, Peppermint, Marjoram, and Lavender.)
The first night that I put it on my neck and shoulder within MINUTES my muscles were loosening up so much that my neck started popping while sitting in the recliner watching TV. I was hooked. I started putting it in Epsom Salt baths. This was the first relief I had felt yet- even after months and months of pain medicine, muscle relaxers, antispasmodics, etc. God's medicine gave me the first relief! I remember thinking "DUH!!!" I ended up ordering the Premium Starter Kit immediately and have since become a complete EOA (essential oils addict of course!). Thieves has kept me from getting sick. I literally haven't been sick ONE TIME in the last year (which is saying a lot if you know me well!) and I attribute that completely to Thieves. Peace and Calming and Valor have allowed me to SLEEP! Sleep is a hard thing to come by when you have a messed up shoulder, neck, and back. I remember laughing so hard when I woke up the first morning after using P&C. I rubbed it on my feet and diffused it in the room and woke up the next morning with light still on, book on chest, phone by hand. HA! I haven't looked back since and have discovered other oils that work great for sleep as well. No medicine hangoverrr! If I was to sit here and list all the ways they have benefitted my health and my families health we would be here all day.

While Aroma Siez offered me the most relief, the damage was already done. It was too late. Another neck flare up occurred lasting several weeks again and I couldn't take it anymore. Here I was, a 26 year old, pretty much home bound in pain and spending 3 x a week in therapy. I was losing my social life. How can you have a social life when you are going straight from a painful work day to therapy, coming home exhausted and hurting? I was getting bitter. I was mad. I cried all the time.  I had completely lost the ability to be active and work out over the previous year. I was getting to a point where I wasn't even sure I could keep teaching. I really was sent over the edge when I had to leave an Auburn football game at halftime because I had tears streaming down my face from pain and discomfort. We ended up having a crazy second half and winning on a last second play and I was FURIOUS that I had to miss it.

I ended up at the Andrews' Institute in Birmingham with one of the best orthopedic surgeons in the world. He was convinced that nothing was structurally wrong with my neck or upper back but that my shoulder was still the problem. He got some confirmation of that when closely inspecting new MRI's and Xrays. He told me that my shoulder had some cysts from the previous surgery, that the bone was jaggedy and that it needed to be cleaned up, but that he also thought something was wrong with my bicep tendon. He couldn't tell exactly but knew surgery was going to be required.

Round 2... October 2013.

(Spent a couple months in the Ultra Sling 3!)
This surgery ended up being a doozy. A major doozy. There was a lot wrong with my shoulder- mainly the fact that when he got in there he saw that my bicep tendon was completely unattached from the shoulder, twisted 360 degrees, and scarred down into the back of my rotator cuff. This answered all questions as to why therapy, etc. wasn't helping!! He had to pop it out, untwist it and cut out about 2/3 of it because it was so damaged from the twisting, and reattach it in the correct place. The crazy thing was it was hidden in a way that was really not visible in my MRIs. I basically ended up having 3 surgeries in 1 and was sent home for a grueling several month recovery. I had to take a medical leave for the first semester and spent 8 weeks completely bound in the big ol' immobilizer pictured above. I went to therapy 2-3 times a week for 8 weeks also. I truly believe I was able to stop taking pain medicine way earlier than I should have because of the "pain bomb" and the pain cream that I made with coconut oil, Valor, Panaway, Peppermint and Lemongrass.
(Pain bomb- Copaiba, Frankincense, and Idaho Balsam Fir in a capsule)
I will not say the road to recovery has been easy. I am almost a year out from surgery round two and still am very limited in what I can do because of the size of my bicep tendon now. I am definitely not in the place I once was but I am on the journey to natural wellness. As you can see it has reallllly been a journey but I am so thankful for Young Living and the role they have played in my life and my recovery. I couldn't do life without ya, YL ;)

Until next time,

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Welcome to my new blog! I am really looking forward to getting back into blogging. This is not a blog JUST about the good things going on in my life. It's not JUST about the bad things and... you guessed it... it's not JUST about essential oils either. Ok, not all the time- just most of the time =)

Let me start out by introducing myself.

I'm Haley- a middle school math teaching, Varsity cheerleading coaching, sports loving, essential oil enthusiast with a passion for reading, writing, singing, traveling, oiling, being active and fit, loving others and so much more!

I married an awesome man named Patrick in 2010 and we love to do really fun stuff together like TRAVEL, play music, have TV marathons with really weird shows, and to be honest- anything we do together we have a good time. See below (haha). He makes me laugh and is the best thing that has ever happened to me.  
We have two BEAUTIFUL (fur) babies named Chloe and Rusty. Chloe is a soon to be 12 year old Pomeranian who is the other love of my life. I have had her since she was a tiny pup.  Rusty is a 3 year old rescue Golden Retriever who was the perfect addition to our family. He makes me smile.

(This picture of Rusty literally makes me laugh out loud. His tongue!! HAHAHA)
I grew up on the beautiful Gulf Coast in Pensacola, Florida and Pat spent most of his early life in the Birmingham, AL area. We ended up in a small town in North Alabama when our parents both left their homes careers to become parents at a home for abandoned and neglected children. We were both in college at that time (WAR EAGLE for me and R**L T**E for him). Maybe you were awesome enough to figure that out and why I couldn't fill in those letters. Anyway, we got set up to meet when we both came to our parents homes (next door neighbors ;) from college one weekend. The rest is history! We got married in May 2010 and are still living in the town where we met because we have great jobs and all our family is here now! We have been extremely blessed with the best friends and family in the world.
I am looking forward to this blogging adventure and sharing more with you about my life, love, faith, and oils.
For now-  the Peace and Calming oil is kicking in...ZzZzZzzz
See ya back soon,