Monday, July 14, 2014


I used to be "that girl" in the gym that would slave away on cardio machines for an hour and then maybe grab a dumbbell or two on my way out. Boredom central without many results. I am currently loving High Intensity Interval Training! Any other HIIT lovers out there?

For those of you who are missing out on these fun fat burning workouts here is a little rundown. Basically HIIT workouts are any workouts that alternate between intense bursts of activity and fixed periods of rest or less intense activity.

That's me in the first picture and Pat in the second picture. LOL. SIKEEE (any other late 80's babies remember saying "Sike" on a regular basis back in the day?)

Anyway- according to Shape magazine here are some reasons why HIIT workouts are great:

1. They are EFFECIENT. Research shows you can accomplish as much in a 15 minute HIIT workout (done 3 times a week) than you can in an HOUR on a treadmill.

2. They BURN MORE FAT. The effect of the intense exertion make your body repair go into quick time. So basically you burn more in the 24 hours after a HIIT workout than after a long steady paced run.

3. They help you to have a HEALTHIER HEART. A 2006 study showed that after 8 weeks of HIIT workouts, subjects could bike twice as long as they could before while keeping the same pace.

4. You don't need ANY EQUIPMENT. There are plenty of great HIIT workouts that can be done with equipment but its certainly not necessary. You can get just as much accomplished doing high knees, jump squats, jump switch lunges, or anything plyometric really!

5. You can LOSE WEIGHT BUT NOT MUSCLE. A lot of people who eat really clean and healthy and do extreme amounts of cardio lose weight yes but they also lose a good amount of muscle mass. HIIT workouts allow you to eat clean and careful without losing muscle mass.

6. They allow you to AMP UP YOUR METABOLISM. HIIT workouts can stimulate your HGH up to 450% in the 24 hours following. Woohoo! Slow down that aging process baby!

7. You can DO THEM ANYWHERE. You can adapt to whatever constraints you have- time, space, whatever! If you travel a lot for your job... you can still do HIIT. If you live in a tiny apartment... you can still do HIIT. Honestly- it allows you to not make any excuses! NONE!

8. They are CHALLENGING. Challenging to me helps me to feel accomplished. I do not feel good when I leave a workout if I am not dripping sweat, ready to fall over. If I am on an elliptical casually reading a book or magazine, I can promise that I am not about to fall over dripping sweat. You will not die. Just do it.

There are TONS of these workouts available on Pinterest and Youtube if you just type in High Intensity Interval Training. Give it a shot. I promise you will feel like dying but you will be so happy you did it!

Here are a couple of my favorites:

*HIIT The Ground Running Workout  (or any other ones on this channel)

*Tough and Toned Tabata

Gosh there are so many more!! I LOVE THEM!!!

Until next time,


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