Saturday, July 19, 2014

Swiss Army Oil

Chances are, if you are an oil user, you can tell me right off the bat which oil is nicknamed the "Swiss Army Knife of Oils". Even if you aren't aware of the nickname you could probably think about which oil you reach for the most often and for the most reasons...

If you are not an oil user then I will let you in on the secret:

Let me list a few ways that I use Young Living's Lavender oil...
1. Allergies. Allergies. Allergies. I have bad allergies. I have been a daily Zrytec user for years. Guess what yall? NOT THIS YEAR. I haven't had to take Zyrtec. At all! I keep lavender oil with me at all times and if I am out and about I will do a quick cheek swipe or rub a small amount around the rim of my nostrils and it clears up the allergies quickly. When we are in the heart of allergy season down here in Alabama, I take the allergy trio capsule with my breakfast and can usually get through the majority of the day. If you have allergies you need to invest in this. Lavender, lemon, and peppermint in a capsule filled the rest of the way up with carrier oil. The bomb.
2. Skin irritations- sunburns, bites, rashes, eczema, etc. I have used it for each one of those issues at some point. I WISH so badly I had before and after pictures from a few particular instances. Ughh I could kick myself. Words will just have to do =/
  •  Sunburn. Random Haley fact... I am a SUNSCREEN FREAK. (Quick backstory- I grew up on the Panhandle of Florida and for the first 20 years of my life was a complete beach bum. Every day of every summer of my driving life until we moved I spent all day at the beach). That being said I can probably count 3 times in my life I have been sunburned. I hate being sunburned. Like... HATE. IT. Well- we went to the beach with my husband's family a couple of weeks ago and I was sooo careful to apply and reapply every day. One afternoon though I fell asleep laying on my stomach and by the time we went in my back was burnt. Really red and streaky burnt. I was so upset! It makes me uncomfortable, makes me itch, makes me hot, etc. That night as we went to bed I asked Pat to rub coconut oil with several drops of lavender all over my back. When we woke up and were getting prepared to go back out to the beach I just kind of assumed I either wouldn't go or would wear a shirt in order to avoid making the burn worse. He asked to see my back, so I showed him and he was like "Ohhhh my gosh Haley it is not ONE BIT RED!" I didn't really believe him of course so I went to the bathroom to try and awkwardly look at my back in the mirror and LO AND BEHOLD- not even a SPECK of red. Let's just say I got to spend another whole day lounging in the sun, sunscreened up, without a care in the world =)
  • Bites. My brother got married a little over a month ago at my grandparents farm in South Alabama. His sweet wife/one of my best friends, Britnee, got stung by a bee (Hornet? Yellow Jacket? Wasp? I don't know! What's the difference?) two days before the ceremony RIGHT ON THE SHOULDER. Definitely would not be cute in a wedding dress. It swelled up immediately and within a few minutes her arm was streaking red all the way down from her shoulder to her elbow. It was bad. She was in a lot of pain. She came in and said "I NEED OILS!" so we got her going quickly with some Lavender and Purification. Within MINUTES- the redness was gone and the swelling had shrunk down to about the size of a nickel. Everyone in my family stood around watching with our jaws on the floor. We watched it disappear before our eyes! One more application and her bite was the size of a pinpoint by the wedding.
  • Eczema. People love this recipe: 3/4 cup organic coconut oil whipped in a mixer for 5-10 minutes (until creamy), 10 drops lavender, 10 drops melrose.
3. Relaxation. I put lavender and Peace and Calming in my diffuser each night as I get ready for bed. It helps me sleep long and peacefully. It is also great mixed in Epsom salt for a nice relaxing bath.  
4. Odor. I made a spray for some of my family members for Christmas using water, Epsom salt, and lavender oil. It is great for spraying on sheets, pillows, in linen drawers/cabinets, etc. I love it and so do they!
Here are a few other ways to use lavender oil:
After visiting Young Living's lavender farms in Mona, Utah this summer I am more in love with this oil than ever. Seeing the whole process- from "seed to seal" was amazing and only deepens my love and trust for this amazing company and the purity that they guarantee.
Guess what? GOOD NEWS! July 20th-22nd Young Living is offering 20% off of their "Swiss Army Oil" in continued celebration of their 20 year anniversary this year (two bottles per member).
FIRST TWO PEOPLE TO CONTACT ME- I will pass this deal on to you! If you are already a member, I highly suggest you take them up on this incredible offer. You won't regret it =)
Until next time,

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