Thursday, July 17, 2014

Natures best...

One of the best things about being a part of the Young Living community is that everyone else that uses the oils is just as in love with them as you are. So there is like this... constant desire to share successes and loves and recipes and educational tidbits. IT'S AWESOME!

Last night I had the opportunity to go see Craig Aramaki speak in Birmingham. It's a pretty cool story actually- Craig is the former CMO of Young Living who quit his corporate job with them in order to become a full time oil user/distributor! He knows the ins and outs and has seen everything behind the scenes and is head over heels in love with the quality and pureness behind the oils. I LOVE that!

This is Craig. He is precious and hilarious.
Anyway, I say all that to say- he shared a tip last night at the meeting that I had heard in regards to fever but for some reason I hadn't thought about it in terms of overheating from a workout?? I don't know why because I will for SURE be using it after every workout from now on!
Craig reminded us that Peppermint is natures best temperature regulator! Yup, this little bottle of goodness seriously cooled me down IMMENSELY after my extremely tough and HOT workout today.
Ahhhhh =)

If anyone has ever worked out or ran with me- you know that I give it ALL I've got. Like I said, I workout until I am pouring sweat and breathing like the air around me is the only air left in the world. You would also know that my face gets sooo red and hot and I overheat very easily. Often after a hard or hot workout my face will be red and emanating heat for the rest of the day. My body doesn't do well with cooling itself down. So today I decided I would try Craig's tip. When I came in from my workout I got a little dab of coconut oil in my hands, dropped in two drops of peppermint oil, and spread it on the back of my neck and on my wrists. IT WAS UN. BE. LIEV. ABLE. It was so amazing I got an empty roller bottle, filled it about 1/4 of the way up with peppermint oil and the rest of the way up with grapeseed oil and threw it in my purse so I could take it with me for my cheerleaders to try at practice! They are gonna love me. They already do but that's beside the point =) Hallelujahhhh!!! Life is forever changed. Thanks pep.
Peppermint was already one of my favorite oils but it's about to go down in the book. The book of favorite oils. Along with 858398 others. Not only does it help regulate temperatures and draw out fevers- it has about a hundred other incredible uses:

Thank you JESUS for your peppermint plants and the awesome ways that we can use them as a natural treatment for a lot of life's little irritations.
How do YOU use peppermint oil?
Until next time,

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