Monday, July 28, 2014

Back back back to schooooool

I cannot BELIEVE that school is right around the corner. As a teacher, I am so excited to incorporate oils into my classroom and my school year this year! I have some loooong days in my very near future. I teach middle schoolers during the school day and then coach Varsity cheerleading every day after school. I will be honest and say that sometimes I find myself reaching for a 2nd (or 3rd or 4th) cup of coffee to get through the day! I also know that I am exposed to SO many germs throughout the year- ESPECIALLY when school starts and everyone is re-exposed to all the people and germs they may not have been around all summer. Yuck I know. It literally gives me the chill bumps to think about =/

Sooo- here are some of the oils that I will be using in my classroom and throughout my school year this year:

First and foremost THIEVES, THIEVES, THIEVES!!!

Thieves was named after four thieves in France who covered themselves with Clove, Rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims back in the day- like 15th century =) It is HIGHLY effective in supporting the immune system and good health. It is also made up of lemon, cinnamon, and eucalyptus radiata essential oils. It's anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-septic. It kills 99% of airborne bacteria in about 12 minutes in the diffuser! They have Thieves oil, hand soap, household cleaner, hand sanitizer, spray, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. It's UHH.MAY.ZING. These are the SOLE products that are responsible for keeping me 100% well for the last year!!!

The next most important thing I will be using is:

Nitro is the bombbbb. I could go on and on and on. It is amazing for that extra pick me up that is often needed during a long day. It has an all-natural energy blend that is added to the Ningxia Red formula. It contains small amount of natural caffeine coming from the chocolate and green tea extract that is incorporated into the blend. 

I will also be using:

I will use this at night (as I already do) to promote a calm environment during lesson planning or before bed. 

Next up:

I will be using these two oils to promote feelings of confidence and also help to enhance mental clarity and memory. I LOVE Valor and am just getting my hands on Clarity... mwahahaha.

Then I will be using: 

Vetiver is the BOMBBB for focus and attention. LOVE. IT. 

Last in my lineup is:

Lemon is awesome to diffuse in the morning (with peppermint too!) to help wake me up and keep me happy and refreshed. I love adding it or Citrus Fresh to my glass water bottle for a delicious drink throughout the day. 

In preparation for going back to school- the first two people to purchase the Premium Starter Kit from me will receive a ready-to-use spray bottle of Thieves cleaner, a Thieves hand sanitizer, and a Thieves spray!! Contact me via Facebook, Instagram, or email if you want to take part in this awesome deal. 

Until next time, 

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