Friday, July 11, 2014

A Day in the Life

Everywhere you look in my house there are Young Living products. Oils are scattered all around my house- the nightstand, my dresser, the kitchen, the bathroom. I mean how much trouble would it be to actually put them in their designated spot?! Lol.

Not only do I use the oils, I am also crazy about YL's skincare products and nutritional supplements, cleaning products, handsoaps, etc.

So here is a typical oily day for me (this was yesterday)

7:30 Wake up. Start diffusing Peppermint and Lemon while I get ready. I like this combination because it wakes me up, invigorates me, and not to mention it smells awesome together.

8:00 Eat breakfast and take my daily Ningxia Red shot. I add Lemon and Copaiba to my shot because I love the way the Lemon makes it taste (plus it kills germs, helps retain information, acts as a detoxing agent, and more) and Copaiba is great for inflammation, stiff joints, muscle aches and pains and more.  And I am always inflamed. So I drink it. And it helps. =)

8:15 Brush my teeth with Thieves Dentarome Ultra and head out the door for cheer practice. I have been using this toothpaste for about the last 6 months and I LOVE it. I can't use regular toothpaste anymore now that I have used this. It leaves your mouth feeling SO clean (because it is because it has Thieves in it) but also has definitely helped naturally whiten my pearlies.

8:30-10:30 Cheer, cheer, cheer. Oil up some of my girls with hurting ankles, shoulders, etc. =) One of my flyers has a major issue with her ankles- they cause her constant pain which leaves her with some stability issues because of the pain. We have her on a regimen now of Idaho Blue Spruce, Panaway, and Peppermint. Here is the picture and text she sent me yesterday before practice:

"Oils...check. Tape...check."
After a killer practice full of tumbling and stunting with minimal pain I texted her mom later that night and told her how great she had done. Her response was "She said she did good stunting and we both said 'THE OILS!'" We continued to talk for awhile and she said "She said her ankle was starting to hurt. She did her oils and came down the hall and said it was already feeling better! It's amazing! It's awesome to hear her say it actually felt better... Haven't heard that in awhile." **Ya'll- stuff like this makes my HEART HAPPY. I love knowing that these things are helping others!**
11:00- 1:00 Lunch with friends. Yes I will bust out my Citrus Fresh at restaurants and put it in my water. People look at my like I am crazy sneaking drops of an unknown liquid into a drink. Wonder why?! LOL
1:30 Make my daily capsule. I don't know why I have been doing it at midday instead of morning lately. I think I like taking them on a full stomach. I have been on a Longevity or Thieves kick lately- sometimes a Longevity and Thieves kick. I already kind of shared my obsession with Thieves in my last post put it's really more than an obsession. It's a deeeep love. Because that blend is the reason I have not been sick my ENTIRE oiling life (a year!). I want to kiss it!
Run errands... yada yada yada. Take care of business... yada yada yada.
5:00 Husband is coming home- gotta get motivated to run and workout with him. Hmmm... NingXia Nitro OBVIOUSLY. I seriously love this stuff. It is a natural energy booster full of essential oils and a small amount of natural caffeine. It is PERFECT for a pre-workout pick me up. Or a morning pick me up. Or a mid-day pick me up... You get my drift =)  Best part about it is it doesn't leave you feeling jittery complete with a racing heart like an energy drink. I can also still go to sleep perfectly fine unlike if I were to drink sodas, coffees, or energy drinks.

8:00 Realize "I am going to be sore tomorrow and my neck and shoulder feel really tight after that workout. Along with my legs. And my abs." Epsom salt bath with Aroma Siez. 1/2 cup Epsom salt, 6 drops oil mixed up in a mixing cup. Run it under the faucet as the warm water fills up your tub so that it evenly distributes.
10:00 Get ready for bed. Que face routine. ART Gentle Foaming Cleanser- this is an awesome age refining cleanser that I use as my daily face wash. Wolfberry Eye Cream. Coconut oil/Frankincense mixture for moisturizer. Cinnamint chapstick.
Oil up for bed- Orthosport massage oil all over neck and upper back and shoulders. Panaway, Idaho Blue Spruce, and Peppermint on neck. Tranquil on bottom of feet. I am glad my husband uses oils and is on board himself or else I may not be allowed to sleep in the bed with him.
11:00 Start running my diffuser. Peace and Calming and Lavender helps me calm down and fall asleep peacefully.

*Products not mentioned that I use everyday: Thieves foaming hand soap, Thieves hand sanitizer when out and about, Dragontime body wash, and probably more.

*Also this is not including constant uses of other oils that I use on a symptom to symptom basis. I also use supplements, homemade bug spray, oils used in laundry, Thieves cleaner when cleaning house, oils on Pat, oils on my dogs, etc.

So just call me the "crazy oil lady" because I am and I love every second of it =)

Until next time,


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